Amendment of the RES Act - extension of support system

On 4 August 2020 on the website of the Government Centre for Legislation, a draft act amending the RES Act and other acts was published. The project provides for several solutions that meet the demands of the renewable energy industry. The envisaged amendments concern the increase of the maximum capacity of a RES installation for which no concession will be required (change of the definition of small RES installation) and extension of the duration of the support system for green energy.

Support systems to be extended

Provided by the RES Act support schemes in force shall expire on 30 June 2039. The main reason for the initiative is the need for extension of the following state aid schemes until 30 June 2045:

  • the so-called prosumer system (system opustów),
  • the obligation to purchase unused electricity by micro RES installations operating outside the prosumer system,
  • the right to sale of unused electricity at a fixed price or the right to benefit from CfD system under FIT/FIP schemes and
  • the RES auction system.

From market’s perspective, the main amendment concerns the RES auction. As proposed in the draft, the RES auctions shall be organised by 30 June 2026.

The condition for the application of key planned amendments (regarding the RES auctions and FIT/FIP support schemes) is to obtain a positive decision of the European Commission on the compatibility of the state aid provided for the project with the internal market. In this regard, the draft provides in the transitional provisions for an appropriate clause suspending the application of the amended provisions.

New definition of small installations

The draft act proposes new definition of small installation by increasing the threshold of total installed capacity from 0,5 MW to 1 MW. It means that the energy producers generating the electricity in RES installation with total installed capacity of no more than 1 MW will not be obliged to obtain the generation license – the entry into the register of small installations will be sufficient. Procedure of registration in the register of small installation is way easier that the administrative procedure for obtaining the generation license.

Method of determining the total installed capacity of installation confirmed at the RES Act

The amendment also confirms current practice regarding the method of determining the total installed capacity of RES installations.


Autorami wpisu są Łukasz Petelski i Aleksandra Nowak

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