The "Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with an outlook until 2040" is part of global, European and national activities aimed at building a low-carbon economy, and will play the key role in the Polish energy transformation. Consequently, further actions established by the Strategy are focused on the development of green and low-emission hydrogen economy.
The new regulation is upcoming in Polish RES sector in 2021 and it is expected that the amendment will come into force this year… soon. The change will affect a significant part of the existing renewable energy market.
Współautorem tekstu są Michał Drozdowicz i Ernest Łuczak.
According to the Communication of President of ERO no. 45/2020 on the RES auction schedule in 2020 this year eight auctions will be conducted.
Jak wykonać pierwszy krok w kierunku zielonej energetyki i właściwie przygotować się do przeprowadzenia inwestycji związanej z budową własnej elektrowni słonecznej? Co należy wiedzieć? Jakie dokumenty trzeba zgromadzić i jak wygląda proces administracyjny? Odpowiedzi na te pytania znaleźć można w raporcie przygotowanym przez Sun Investment Group i kancelarię Eversheds Sutherland Wierzbowski.
On 4 August 2020 on the website of the Government Centre for Legislation, a draft act amending the RES Act and other acts was published. The project provides for several solutions that meet the demands of the renewable energy industry. The envisaged amendments concern the increase of the maximum capacity of a RES installation for which no concession will be required (change of the definition of small RES installation) and extension of the duration of the support system for green energy.
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